14 Supercommon Summer Injuries Every Parent Should Be Aware Of

11/07/2018 - 10:50 PM

During the Summer, my son and I practically live outside [1]. While "Winter us" are perfectly content binge-watching Cars 3 over and over again and hunkering down on the couch, during the season of beach vacations [2] and pool parties, we hardly go indoors [3]. I want my son to have fun adventures, get dirty, and make memories during the Summer [4], but that also means common injuries could happen at any time if I'm not careful. With a little precaution and preparation, children and parents can have a happy and safe Summer, but always keep these common injuries in mind when letting lose in the Summer sun.


Even minor skin damage [5] can have lasting effects. Protect their skin by reapplying sunblock often and making them wear long-sleeved UPF clothing [6].

Slipping on Wet Surfaces

When the lifeguard tells your child to walk instead of run, they're not doing so because of some sort of power trip. Running on wet surfaces, like by a pool or on an outside deck, can cause some serious skinned knees, broken bones, or worse. Keep an extra close eye on kids around slippery surfaces and remind them to slow down when needed.


Drowning is every parent's worst nightmare [7]. Make sure kids are aware of water safety, keep your eyes on them, and give them swim training early on.

Bug Bites

Mosquito bites [8] are super annoying to the average person, but to little kids with sensitive skin, they can be really painful. Talk with your doctor about how to treat itchy skin and be on the lookout for potential allergic reactions.

Burns From Hot Slides and Playground Equipment

As one of the cruel twists of Summer fate, just because it's sunny and beautiful outside doesn't mean it's safe to play. Always touch the slide and equipment for five seconds before you let your little one jump on. If it's too hot for your hand, it's too hot for their delicate skin.

Broken Legs From Riding Down the Slide With Them

As the parent of a young child, I get the desire to go down the slide to protect them from the fast speed. However, it can be so dangerous [9], resulting in broken bones. If they're too young to go down the slide independently, they're too young for the slide at all.

Plastic Burns on Slip and Slides

A relatively minor injury, but a painful one nonetheless. Plastic pools, slip and slides, and inner tubes can cause burns similar to rope or carpet burns that can scar. Make sure there's enough water to keep everyone comfortable, and keep a close eye on your kids while they're splashing around.

Bee Stings

Even if your child isn't allergic, bee stings hurt. Keep Benadryl nearby and offer plenty of kisses to make everything better.


During hot Summer days, it's so important to keep hydrated. Children don't often like to be reminded to stop playing to drink water [10], but it's necessary to prevent them from being sluggish, getting loopy, and blacking out.


A kissing-cousin of dehydration, heatstroke [11] is a dangerous Summer byproduct. Look out for a fever induced by the heat outside, lethargy, dizziness, and other symptoms that necessitate a trip to the ER.

Rhus Dermatitis

This painful rash is most commonly recognised as an exposure to poison oak or poison ivy. Blistering, itching, and swollen, this is a rash that's easily avoided by sticking to designated paths and knowing what poisonous plants are found in your area.

Tick Bites

Besides being painful to remove, ticks can also cause lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Keep children safe [12] by knowing what to look for and always check their skin after going outside.

Asthma Problems

High heat, pollen, and exercise can all make children with asthma have exacerbated attacks. Keep inhalers close and be aware of what days have worse air quality.

Falling Off the Trampoline

Trampolines can be so much fun, especially during the Summer, but that doesn't change the fact that they're super dangerous. Protect little ones by always having an adult present, putting up a net, and padding the bars.

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