25+ Photos of Marie Kondo's Folding Method That Are Oddly Relaxing

16/01/2019 - 06:17 PM

Netflix's Tidying Up With Marie Kondo [1] is already a smash hit, inspiring people everywhere to tidy and organise their own homes [2] according to the KonMari method. And if you've seen the show, you'll know how important folding clothes is to the organising process. While Kondo's folding method [3] helps to conserve space and keep your clothing items easily accessible, the method is also about connecting with your clothing and expressing gratitude to each piece [4] as you fold it. Plus, who doesn't love the idea of opening a drawer to see everything laid out immaculately? Whether you're new to Marie Kondo or already obsessed, these photos of perfectly organised drawers are sure to bring you joy.

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