1 Police Officer Went the Extra Mile For a Mom When She Needed It the Most

19/11/2018 - 06:05 PM

By all accounts, Officer Robert Lofgran from the West Jordan Police Department takes his job of protecting and serving very seriously. Recently, Lofgran stepped up to help a mom who stopped by the station [1] to file a domestic violence report. Rather than having the mother take care of her kids and fill out the lengthy paperwork all at the same time, the officer offered to hold her infant for her. Now, the photos are making their way around Facebook [2], and people are seriously impressed with his act of kindness.

"Our records clerks caught Officer Lofgran during a call detail the other day," said the Facebook post. "A young mother came in with her small children to file a domestic violence report. Officer Lofgran helped watch over the children while this mother got the help she needed for that day. He spent hours on this call. Thank you for your service!"

Sargent Alex Earelli, who works with Officer Lofgran, told CTV News, "Those are the type of values we're trying to represent [3]," adding that policemen are expected to "show kindness and support . . . in all their calls."

Scroll through to get a bird's eye view of Officer Lofgran looking after the sweet baby.

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