This Line of Pop-Tarts Bites Will Make Your Toaster a Thing of the Past

21/09/2018 - 10:04 PM
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If you're one of those moms who is being constantly badgered by your kids to buy the newest junk food while perusing the grocery store aisles [3], we have some bad news: Pop-Tarts is about to drop a new line of Instagrammable bite-size snacks [4] — and they look incredibly addictive.

Candy Hunting [5], an Instagram account dedicated to breaking the news about new not-so-healthy treats, dropped the hint on Sept. 21. The caption read: "New Pop-Tarts Bites will be out soon! Flavours will include Frosted Strawberry and Frosted Brown Sugar Cinnamon."

So to recap: your kids' favourite flavours in mini, bite-size snack packs are hitting shelves soon. Check and check. Although we're not exactly sure about the release date, all we can say is, you're children will be begging for them in no time. You've been warned!

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