10 Reasons I'm So Grateful For My Friends Who Don't Have Kids

23/05/2018 - 06:45 PM

The encouragement from my mom tribe [1] has been crucial in making it through the most trying phases of raising my two little ones, but they're not the only ones who have shown up in big, unforgettable ways. My friends without kids [2] have been incredible, and to be honest, they don't get enough credit. When you're a mom, it's easy to brush non-mothers off and assume they don't understand. While that might be true for some things, they're truly amazing in others. Keep reading for 10 reasons I'm thankful for my friends who don't have kids. And hey, it might just inspire you to call your own non-mom tribe to say thanks . . . even if your kids are crying in the background. [3]

They Have Patience

They mask any feelings of annoyance when talking on the phone [4] with me while my kids are performing a shrieking duet in the background. I remember what it was like being on the other side of those phone calls, and I was constantly confused about whether people were talking to me or their kids. My friends' patience is amazing.

They're Aware of My Kids' Bedtime

Instead of having to apologetically explain that I need to work around my kids' bedtime [5] every time we make plans, they naturally weave it into conversations and events without any trace of irritation.

They Show Me Grace

Because they know that nothing ever gets done on time, they give me a grace period with their arrival time. They get to my house a little late, something they've come to understand as my version of being on time. [6]

They're Genuinely Interested

They ask about my kids and truly listen [7] when I talk about them.

They Help Me Laugh at Myself

They listen during times of crisis or when I'm feeling overwhelmed [8] by small moments that can trigger big emotions. They help me laugh at myself while validating my feelings.

They Never Doubt That I'm Still Me

They didn't start speaking to me differently when I became a mom, and they continue to confide in me about the same issues and tell me the same stories they know will make me laugh. This has been a daily reminder that there's more to me than motherhood when it sometimes feels all-consuming. [9]

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