Study Says Women Age Slower the More Kids They Have, So Why Do I Feel Like I'm 117 Years Old?

26/02/2019 - 07:00 PM

A mother nods off to sleep as her two children go on playing a board game.

A study from 2016 has been bubbling up lately, and I think I might have an idea why. In it, researchers at Simon Fraser University suggest that the number of children born to a woman influences the rate at which her body ages [1]. But if you think the more kids one has, the more rapidly one deteriorates, you'd be mistaken. These alleged scientists claim that women who give birth to more children exhibit longer telomeres, which are the protective tips at the end of each DNA strand. And longer telomeres mean more longevity.

Short answer: the more kids a woman has, the slower she ages.

What the actual f*ck?

As a woman with two young kids, I can assure you that despite my real age (let's just say 30-something), it's looking more like I've been on this earth for a good century.

I have always been one to believe in science. The earth is round. Climate change is real. Evolution happened. But maybe science is just one big lie after all. I mean, if mums age slower than childless women, why do I . . .

How is having more kids going to make those things less likely to happen, huh? Riddle me that, science.

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