25+ Air-Conditioned Activities to Do With Your Kids This Summer When It's Just Too Damn Hot Out

28/06/2018 - 05:25 PM

After being cooped up in classrooms for nine months, it's no surprise that kids want to spend as much time as they can outdoors [1] during the Summer months [2]. Whether it's hitting the beach, taking a dip in the pool [3], going on a hike, or getting the family together for an after-dinner bike ride, there's no better time to be a kid than the Summer. But as much as we love the warm weather that comes with this time of year, some days it's just too damn hot to be outside. And since sitting at home can get boring pretty quickly, we came up with a list of indoor (i.e. air-conditioned) activities [4] that you can do with your kids when the temperatures are scorching. There's something for every age and budget, so read on!

Ages 2-4

It doesn't take much to keep a toddler happy, so take advantage of some simple, budget-friendly activities [6] this Summer. These ideas will get you out of the house but also out of the heat [7].

Ages 5-8

At this age, it may take a little more effort to keep children entertained. Try out some of these fun options.

Ages 9-12

Treat your tweens to these exciting activities.

Ages 13+

It's only a matter of time before your teens are off to college, so spend some quality time with them by trying these activities.

All Ages

Having more than one child at home during the Summer can make it harder to find activities that will please everyone, especially if there's a significant age gap. Try out some of these crowd-pleasers.

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