17 Things That Always Happen When Your Family Finally Sits Down For Dinner

02/08/2018 - 10:20 PM

Sitting down together as a family for dinner is one of the most beneficial things you can do. Besides being a great opportunity to bond over a good meal [1], it's also proven to improve kids' performances in school [2]. But doing something good doesn't mean it's going to be easy. Children, spouses, demanding jobs, smartphones, and Pinterest-inspired dishes [3] can all make for a hectic meal. While we wouldn't trade the experience for anything in the world, sometimes it gets irritating as hell. Keep reading for 17 things that usually always happen when you try and sit down for family dinners.

Everyone Becomes a Food Critic

Apparently the kid who eats dirt on the playground suddenly knows the "proper" way to make mac and cheese.

The Phone or Tablet Makes an Appearance

That no-phone policy is a great idea, assuming it actually gets followed.

Someone Puts Way Too Much Food on Their Plate

Your 40-pound child has just decided to eat their weight in pasta. Don't worry, though, the vegetables will remain untouched.

Your Food Is Cold by the Time You Get to Eat

Oh, this delicious, hot soup I just spent hours preparing? I'll just pretend its gazpacho.

At Least 1 Person Isn't Really Hungry

Maybe they're pretending because they don't like the dinner, but there's always one person who suddenly remembers they had a big lunch and don't want to eat. They have room for dessert, though.

Everyone Talks at Once

The bigger the family, the louder everyone gets. There's no more silence, only noise.

Someone Asks If They Can Eat in Front of the TV

Just because you remember doing it when you were a kid doesn't mean you're going to let your own children get away with it.

Someone Will Play With Their Food

Getting dirty is all part of the joy of being a kid, but not in the dining room, and certainly not over your new rug.

The Adults Will Try to Have a Conversation Without Success

Remember the days of looking longingly into your partner's eyes and talking about your hopes and dreams over dinner? Yeah, I don't either. It's been too long.

More Dishes Than Humanly Possible Will Need to Be Cleaned

Even a one-pan dish [4] can result in a lot of dishes. HOW?

Somehow, Amazingly, It's Still the Highlight of Your Day

Through it all, sitting down with your family still manages to be the highlight of your long day. Cheers to that!

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