15 Tips For Surviving a Summer Pregnancy, Because Sweat

05/07/2018 - 09:10 PM

Pregnancy. It's already not exactly known as the most comfortable [1] time of your life, but carrying a baby in your belly during the hot, sticky, and crowded Summer months can make it feel more unbearable than usual. Moms-to-be [2], whose body temperatures are naturally higher than normal, are wise to beat the heat [3] by protecting themselves from the sun, keeping cool, and staying hydrated [4]. Read on for 15 tips to survive a summertime pregnancy [5] and, dare I say, actually enjoy it!

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

This seem fairly obvious, but it's vital for pregnant women (and, well, everyone) to drink plenty of water. Keep hydration easy by always carrying a water bottle with you. For a little variation and flavour — and a Vitamin C kick — try squeezing in some lemon.

Take a Dip in the Pool

Cool off by spending some time at your local pool or beach. Being in the water not only feels great to beat the heat, but also sometimes alleviates pain for pregnant women [7].

Take a Babymoon

Don't just stay local — think global! If you can swing it, why not take a babymoon to a great resort [8] with amazing pools or a tropical location with gorgeous beaches? Nothing's better than a holiday to really pamper yourself before your due date.

Put Your Feet Up and Relax

Keeping your feet elevated is important to avoid swelling — plus it feels great. So, when it's hot out, why not stay in the (cool) house, find a show to binge watch on Netflix, and load up on snacks? After all, it's good for the baby.

Catch a Movie

What's a better way to cool down than in a dark and air-conditioned movie theatre? To really make the most of it, make sure to go to one of the theatres with reclining chairs so you can put up your (likely) swollen feet and get plenty of cool drinks!

Go For the Spritz

Carry a small spray bottle with you so you can spritz some water on you whenever you need it (which may be a lot), and a personal-sized fan is also a good way to go. (There are contraptions with both of these in one!)

Buy Some Cute Summer Accessories

Big hats? Sunglasses? Umbrellas to block the sun? Yes, you need these accessories to make sure you're shaded properly when you're out in the sun. You'll look good and it's good for you, so win-win.

Make Time For Naps

Between the warm weather and your pregnancy, you're bound to be more fatigued than ever. Don't fight the urge to take naps to refresh — plus, take advantage of quiet time before the baby comes as much as possible!

Wear Comfortable and Breathable Clothes

Make sure you wear breathable, light, and comfortable clothing during the hot Summer months. Materials like cotton are always a winner. More good news? Maternity clothes have come a long way [9], and are super cute and fashionable.

Avoid Salty Snacks

Sodium exacerbates swelling, so try to lay off the salt as much as possible. Sodium is often hiding in foods, too, so make sure to check out the food labels to identify sodium amounts.

Be Smart About Timing Your Day

Avoid going outdoors during the hottest parts of the day (generally midday). Instead, run your errands or schedule appointments for early morning or late afternoon.

Go on a Shopping Spree

Let's face it: you have a lot to buy before baby comes. Hit the mall and take advantage of the overly air-conditioned stores while browsing for cute onesies. And while you're at it, you deserve some things, too.

Lather on the SPF

Your skin is extra sensitive to UV rays during pregnancy, so shielding yourself from the sun is more important than ever. Be generous with sunscreen [10], and make sure to use a high SPF (at least 30 SPF, but higher is better!).

Stock Up on Lotions and Shower Products

A pregnant woman's stretched skin needs some TLC. It can become dry and itchy, made even worse by the Summer heat and sun. One remedy? Apply lotion liberally and invest in moisturising (and relaxing!) shower and bath products.

Buy Some New Sandals

Summer heat and swollen feet? Don't bother wearing stuffy socks and closed shoes. Make sure you have a couple pairs of sandals. Go for breathable flip flops you can easily throw on and off, and good sandals with arch support for when you're walking longer distances.

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