Toddler With a Corn Dog Goes Viral For Basically Embodying Beyoncé in Every Way

Want to go viral on the internet? With one, 15-second YouTube video, I believe we've finally cracked the code as to what will guarantee instant meme status. Thanks to Brooke Mooney, who shared a clip of her nearly-two-year-old daughter online, it's clear that all you need is to a) be an adorable toddler, b) hold a corn dog, and c) dance your heart out to Beyoncé. OK, having a wind machine doesn't hurt, either. Neither does having a jaunty ponytail, a teeny yellow cardigan, or an infectious giggle.

"Our little girl loves to dance," Brooke wrote in the caption of the video [1]. "After being inspired by another little girl dancing, we caught the most epic hair blowing, corn-dog eating, Beyoncé-dancing video!"

The "Crazy In Love" dance clip already has more than 117,000 views on YouTube, but we envision "Baby Shark" level numbers in no time.

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