2018's Top Dog Names Have 1 Clear Thing in Common: They're Very Human

18/12/2018 - 04:35 PM


Every year, it seems people get more and more creative with their pets' names [1]. Or maybe it's just that they're looking toward their everyday lives for inspiration. In 2018, that seemed to be the case, with a vast majority of the most popular dog names being ones typically given to humans. Sparky, Spot, and Rover are so 2008.

In a list put together by Rover, all of this year's most popular dog names [2] are names of people you might know, whether it's your neighbour, Charlie, or your former classmate, Lucy. Kate Jaffe, a dog-name curator for Rover, told NPR, "Increasingly, dogs are really the family you choose [3], and because we have this tight bond with our dogs and they really are a part of our family, it's not surprising to see that the majority of dogs names are human [4]."

You can see the top 10 dog names of the year for both males and females below, and you can find a more extensive list of names and trends [5] on Rover.

Top Names For Boys

Top Names For Girls

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