1 Sweet Dog Had the Best Response to Her Mom Asking Her to "Go Check" on the Baby

18/12/2018 - 07:25 PM

My little helper😩♥️ pic.twitter.com/Vi1MiFJDX2 [1]

— AllyGuerrero⚓️💋 (@AllisonJoGuerr1) December 7, 2018 [2]

Although bringing a child into the world [3] is one of the hardest things a woman will experience, new mom Ally Guerrero has an extra set of paws to help her out from time to time. In a sweet video she shared on Twitter, Ally asks her pup to go into her daughter Maggie's bedroom to check on her [4] while she naps. Despite clearly not wanting to rise from her cosy bed at first, the pup does a quick stretch before walking down the hall. To confirm that her trusty doggo [5] actually peeked in on the baby, Ally consulted her baby monitor to be sure. So far, the video has racked up a massive 3.2 million views and 267,000 likes on Twitter, and we can't say we're surprised.

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