This Man's Viral Video Is the Absolute Perfect Montage of Every Parent at Disney World

Comedian John Crist isn't even a dad, but somehow he travelled down to Florida, entered the minds of exhausted, overheated parents, and managed to perfectly channel what it'd be like to go to Disney World with kids.

In his viral video, John says all the things we swear every parent has shouted at their children at some point between It's a Small World and Splash Mountain. A few classics?

In less than two minutes, he touches on all the frustrations that the happiest place on earth provides, from the endless search for air-conditioning to the very-real need to keep counting your kids to make sure you haven't lost one. Plus, there's a hilarious reference to overpriced Mickey Mouse ears, a run-in with Tigger that'll make you do a spit-take, and some not-so-subtle shade at Six Flags and France.

Essentially, it's as real as it gets.

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