Ali Wong Admits She Once Used Her Daughter's Nappies in an Emergency: "I Am Winning at Life"

"Touring is not glamorous," Ali Wong said in a recent appearance on The Late Late Show. After hearing her story about having to pee in her daughter's nappies while stuck in gridlock traffic, we believe her.

Here's what happened: the comedian and actress was driving to her next stand-up show with her mom and her now-4-year-old daughter [1] when nature called. "It was one of those moments," she said. With traffic at a standstill, Ali asked her mom to pass her a nappy, which of course was intended for her toddler and not, you know, an adult woman.

Things were going well — "I looked like a gangster," Ali said — until she needed to swap out the nappy. "I went through five nappies, and I was like, I did it. I hacked it. I am winning at life. I got three generations of women in here," she said. As it turned out, however, her technique wasn't as effective as she had thought. Watch her tell the hysterical story above.

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