If I Could Go Back in Time, This Is the 1 Product I Would Buy For My Infant

18/02/2020 - 04:27 PM

There's nothing that says "new parent" quite like fumbling around in the kitchen at 3 a.m., desperately attempting to warm a fresh bottle of formula for your inconsolable newborn. The scoop is inevitably buried in the powdery mountains, which in turn means the formula gets all over the kitchen counter when you try to dump it into the bottle's small opening. The water isn't warm enough. There are chunks floating to the top. The baby has now woken up the entire household, including the dog, who thinks it's time for the day to begin and is now begging for food.

What if I told you this early morning ritual could be streamlined in a way you never anticipated in your wildest dreams? I realise I sound like an old-fashioned magazine advertisement, but the Baby Brezza Pro Formula Dispenser [1] ($200) warrants the praise. Here's what you need to know.

I was shocked at how quickly the dispenser filled the bottle the first few times we tried it. Thinking about how we used to warm water in the microwave or electric kettle, then carefully mix with the powder and the right amount of room-temp water, seems positively barbaric. While I mainly breastfed our baby in the first few months before introducing formula, I wish we would have gotten the Baby Brezza earlier. Waiting for water to boil in the middle of the night feels like an eternity, and I would have done anything — including forking over $200 — to get back those seven extra minutes of sleep.

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