A 7-Month-Old Kitten Hilariously Sabotaged His Owner’s Elf on the Shelf Setup

12/12/2019 - 06:33 PM

My mom set up my brothers elf on the shelf like they were playing in snow and the last three pictures is what we woke up to instead... pic.twitter.com/pxCNW4FtZn [1]

— Si🦋 (@isiarraswanson) December 11, 2019 [2]

Jett, an adorable 7-month-old black cat, might as well be renamed The Grinch after he completely sabotaged his family's Elf on the Shelf setup [3] on the morning of Dec. 11. In a series of photos posted to Twitter, Siarra Swanson shared the before and after of her brother's elves' daily placement — though her mom had set up the elves to look like they were making snow angels in flour spread out on a table, that's not exactly what the family woke up to find.

"My mom set up my brothers elf on the shelf [4] like they were playing in snow and the last three pictures is what we woke up to [5] instead," Siarra tweeted, along with two after photos of the now-completely messed up setup, as well as one of Jett covered in flour.

In the photo of Jett — in which he's being held as he stands on the table at the scene of the crime — he's pulling a face that makes it clear he knows he's been caught red-handed pawed. Hey, Elf on the Shelf [7] isn't for everyone!

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