My Family Has Learned So Much from Eating Dinner Together While Social Distancing

19/06/2020 - 10:45 AM

Family meal time in dining room with freshly cooked home made dinner, domestic life, family, food and drink

On Friday, 13 March, just two days before schools in my city closed, I could feel the energy in the city change and I decided it was time for me and my family to take this growing pandemic more seriously. At that point, we hunkered down and began staying home [1]. Now, almost 100 days later, I have made (or shall we say, um, assembled) dinner for my family every night and we have sat at the table to eat, together.

I know that being able to stay home, healthy and without food insecurity is a blessing that I'm grateful for. So for me, making dinner every night is a change to connect with my family during uncertain times. Now, when I say "I make dinner" please don't think I'm trying to imply we should all be Mary Berry during quarantine. We've already got more than enough mom guilt to go around and I am not about dishing out any more (pun intended!). Instead, it's every variation of assembling something to eat — from grabbing the cereal bowls to actually cooking a feast from scratch. The level of effort applied in getting the food itself on the table isn't really the point. The point is the sitting at the table, together, device-free. Every. Single. Night.

While there is so much about staying home because of COVID-19 [3] that doesn't feel good, the unprecedented consistency of this very traditional family ritual has been an unexpected silver lining, for several reasons:

I've heard it takes 21 days to form a habit . . . in this case it's been a little longer. I'm hoping it's one that won't be totally broken when the pandemic is over.

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