A Dollar-Store Solution For Keeping My Kids Safe on Halloween Night

16/09/2019 - 11:45 PM

Photographer: Arturo TorresProduct Credits: Pottery Barn Kids Costumes

Halloween [1] is a fun holiday packed with traditions, but there are also a lot of tiny details that parents must keep in mind. After trick-or-treating [2] for a few years, one item of concern that I came across was how early it got super dark. I worried about my kids' safety [3]; I didn't want my little ones gallivanting in the streets and between driveways, camouflaged with the dark night. I know most people are extra careful driving on Halloween night, but I was still worried someone wouldn't see one of my little munchkins and they'd get hit by a car or bike.

So I decided to come up with my own Halloween hack to ensure my children were visible to other trick-or-treaters, drivers, and, of course, me (because I don't want to lose sight of them in the dark, either). Last year, in search of inspiration, I drove to our local dollar store, and there my answer was on display: glow-stick bracelets and necklaces. It was a no-brainer — my kids love wearing them anyway. I bought a handful for our whole trick-or-treating crew: my kids, their cousins, and even the adults walking with them. That way, everyone could see our whole spooky squad coming.

So after we all gobbled up our delivered pizza (because frankly, I don't have time for a home-cooked meal on Halloween [4]), we got the kids all dressed in their costumes [5], and we draped the coloured glow sticks around their necks and wrists. Most of the kids loved the idea of being able to glow. The tiny 3-year-old did put up a bit of a fight, but once she saw her older cousins rocking the glow jewellery, she got on board. And then off we went!

When we began trick-or-treating, it was still light outside and the glow sticks served strictly as decoration. But once it got dark, I was able to see how much they truly helped. Everyone was easily accounted for, even the tiniest tot in our pack. When the little one dawdled or the oldest one sprinted ahead to get more candy, us adults could plainly pick out our kids. After last year's success, I know this will be a Halloween hack I'll use for as long as my kids decide to trick-or-treat. I think even when they're too cool to go out with me [6], they'll still benefit from wearing glow bracelets because it will help put my mind at ease.

If you typically go trick-or-treating in a group or even have a child who likes to run off, glow bracelets and necklaces could be a great solution for you (and an especially budget-friendly one — they're ALWAYS at the dollar store and on Amazon). That way, you can see the kids because they literally light up once the sun goes down. Take it from me — with them glowing, you'll be able to spend your night enjoying your little goblins, instead of worrying about them.

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