I Deeply Relate to the "Coronavirus Haiku" Jennifer Garner's 8-Year-Old Son Wrote

01/04/2020 - 05:37 PM

Actress Jennifer Garner poses with her children Violet Affleck, Seraphina Rose Elizabeth Affleck and Samuel Garner Affleck at her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, August 20, 2018 in Hollywood, California. - Garner, who received the 2,641st star in the Motion Picture category, stars in the soon to be released film

Image Source: Getty / Robyn Beck / AFP [1]

Jennifer Garner's son Samuel [2] is already shaping up to be quite the master of poetry. The 8-year-old recently channelled his creativity (read: likely boredom) while social distancing with his family by penning a highly relatable haiku titled "Corona Virus." Perfectly sticking to the 5/7/5 syllable count, Samuel's three-line poem reads as follows:

corona virus
we eat we sleep we stay home
thrilling it is NOT!

Welp, that just about sums it up! He displayed the masterpiece of literature on his mom's letter board, using a delightfully random mix of uppercase and lowercase lettering. Oh, and the true pièce de résistance (besides the notably larger, all-caps "NOT," that is)? The fact that Samuel chose to sign it with an old-timey pen name, Fitz B. Ireland. Kids do the darnedest things, especially in these strange times [3], wouldn't you agree?

When Jennifer shared Samuel's poignant work with her Instagram followers, she captioned the photo: "Things must be getting bleak when an 8 year old boy adopts a pen name and voluntarily writes poetry. #hangintheremamas" All in favour of Samuel releasing an entire book of haikus, please say "Aye."

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