Katy Perry Opened Up About How Motherhood Changed Her: "Best Decision I Ever Made"

For Katy Perry, becoming a mother didn't just equate to sleepless nights and nappy duty, it truly changed who she is as a person and the mark that she wants to leave on this world. On 8 Feb., the American Idol judge and new mum sat down on Jimmy Kimmel Live to talk about all things motherhood: from giving birth in the middle of a pandemic [1], to fiancé Orlando Bloom [2] being the ultimate delivery room DJ, and how releasing an album one day after giving birth was unlike any album release party she's ever had before. "It's the best decision I ever made in my entire life," Katy said about welcoming Daisy Dove Bloom in August [3]. "Daisy to me means purity, Dove means peace, and Bloom feels like it means joy, so it's very 'pure, peace, and joy.'"

Katy has been open about the demands of parenting [4], but there's one thing she said she wished she knew more about: the reality of what goes down after you give birth [5]. "Nobody talks about the first six weeks after you have a baby," she said. "Oh my god, that's wild! What a roller coaster! I had my fifth album coming out and I gave birth and every other album cycle there'd be some kind of celebration or party, but this time, I was giving birth to the greatest gift of all, and my album came out the next day and I was in the hospital and I could not wipe my own butt, and I was like, 'This is the most unusual album release day and I love it.'"

"She changed something really important inside of me."

It's clear that from the moment Daisy was born and Katy became a mother, her outlook on life completely shifted. "She changed something really important inside of me, and I feel that in everything I do now, I think of her," she said. "I think where she'll be when she's 36, what is this planet going to look like? How can I do my part? How can I change myself to be a better human being every day so that she can have a fantastic life?" Watch the interview above, and witness Katy absolutely light up when she talks about raising her baby girl Daisy.

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