This Mom's Painfully Funny TikTok Videos Show What Living With a Teen Is Actually Like

30/10/2020 - 08:05 PM

Based on her hilarious impressions, it's clear that mom of four Amy Sloan has been around the block when it comes to arguing with the teenagers in her house. In a handful of funny TikTok videos [1], Amy reenacts how her children behave when asked to do the simplest tasks. Titled, "Life With a Teenager," [2] her clips are both accurate and hysterical.

Whether Amy's asking her big kid to load the dishwasher or just reminding them to put their seat belts on, you can bet on a serious overreaction from anyone in this age group. Scroll ahead to get a look at some of Amy's incredibly relatable videos that are bound to make you giggle.

Amy's TikTok Video on Asking Teenagers to Clean Their Room

Amy's TikTok Video on Asking Teenagers to Load the Dishwasher

Amy's TikTok Video on Asking Teenagers to Put on Their Seat Belts

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