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Parents Take Their Modem on a Trip Instead of Their Kids

Bow Down to the Parents Who Took Their Modem on a Day Trip Instead of Their "Unappreciative Kids"

Mom of three Cassie Langan and her husband Chris clearly don't mess around. In a now-viral Facebook post, the pair shared what happened after they asked their children to go on a day trip with them. Met with complaints and most likely eye-rolls, Cassie and Chris opted to take their most unvalued family member — aka their computer modem — with them instead, and the photos are pretty much everything.

"We asked our kids if they would like to go on a day trip to Warrnambool today and were met with the response, 'That's so boring, I don't want to go,'" Cassie wrote on Facebook. "Chris and I decided that instead of taking three unappreciative kids out, we let the ones who didn't want to go stay home and took our most over-worked family member for a well-deserved day out . . . our modem. Modem had a fantastic day not being used by the kids and it was lovely not to listen to constant bickering. The only complaining was Evan being mortified that we took our modem out in public."

Um, pretty genius, right? We have to imagine it was a pretty boring few hours without Wi-Fi for those who stayed home! Read on to get a look at the family's seemingly amazing day, and feel free to keep this little tip in your back pocket the next time your children give you a hard time!

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