10 Photos of Corgis Meeting Lamp Versions of Themselves From Target’s Halloween Collection

26/07/2019 - 06:50 PM

What would you do if you saw an exact replica of yourself dressed as a bee? And what if that exact replica also lit up? You'd be a little confused, right? Well that's exactly how these 10 Corgis look after coming snout-to-snout with Target's popular Halloween Incandescent Sisal Corgi Dog Halloween Silhouette Light [1] ($35). (To be fair, one Corgi met a scarf-clad holiday lamp version of itself, but the look on his face is just as lost.) Take a look for yourself and good luck keeping yourself from ordering a lamp of your own.

Incandescent Sisal Corgi Dog Halloween Silhouette Light

Incandescent Sisal Corgi Dog Halloween Silhouette Light [3] ($35)

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