I've Tried Every Litter Box Out There and This Robot One Really Is Worth the Hype

30/07/2020 - 07:01 PM

As a lifelong cat-lover and owner, I've had pretty much every little box on the market. I've never been one for gimmicky products (although I've tried them), I've always opted for a simple basic litter box that I scoop from everyday. It wasn't my most favourite task of the day, but I never found a better solution until now. I recently started using the Litter Robot Connect 3 [1] ($499) and it's honestly blown me away.

I'm not going to lie, this device is large and not something I would chosen strictly for its looks. Although, what it offers in return in so important: convenience.

I've tried other smart tech options in the past and I actually felt they made cleaning up even harder and sometimes grosser.

I've tried other smart tech options in the past and I actually felt they made cleaning up even harder and sometimes grosser. This one really takes all the work away for you. The smart design works on a rotation setting with timers. After your cat does their business, it goes on a timer to let the litter clump, then simply rolls the clumps into a waste basket at the bottom. This way, every day when my cat uses it, the litter is clean and fresh. All I have to do is empty the bin every few days. You do have to plug it in, so I suggest keeping it near an outlet. I kept mine in the bathroom at first when my cat was younger, so he could get used to it and now I have it hidden away in my hall closet.

My Favourite thing about it is that there's no odour or scent. Honestly, sometimes I forget I even have a litter box. It's made my life so much easier. It even comes with Wi-Fi capability and app so can monitor your cat's bathroom breaks. I know, that seems a little much, but I actually found it really handy. I recently had my cat neutered and he wasn't feeling well and eating right for a few days after his surgery. Monitoring when he was going to the bathroom on my phone was actually really helpful to me when he started getting better. While the price tag is higher than anything I've purchased in the past, what you get in return is priceless: no mess, no work, no smell. Plus, this is a long-lasting device that you'll have for many years to come. If you're sold, keep reading to shop the two different colours that it comes in.

Litter-Robot 3 Connect Self-Cleaning, WiFi Litter Box in Beige

I have the Litter-Robot 3 Connect Self-Cleaning, WiFi Litter Box [3] ($499) in beige and it perfect fits in with my neutral coloured decor.

Litter-Robot 3 Connect Self-CleaningWiFi Litter Box in grey

If you're looking for something darker, get the Litter-Robot 3 Connect Self-CleaningWiFi Litter Box [4] ($499) in dark grey.

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