Someone Dressed Their Cat as a Chia Pet For Halloween, and Honestly, It Looks Pissed

30/10/2019 - 08:25 PM
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A post shared by Walter, Walternate & Belly (@walterbishopthecat) [2]

It's one thing to dress your pet up for Halloween [3] in a funny costume, but it's an entirely separate thing to get your dog or cat to feel jazzed about it. Draping a sheet over your Golden Retriever and watching them clumsily step all over it in order to look like a ghost [4] typically doesn't last more than a few seconds — I know from experience — but sometimes owners come up with something so creative that it's worth finding a way to get your animal to keep it on. Like the owner of this Persian Cat who turned their sweet little feline into an actual Chia pet [5].

Walter Bishop [6], as he's known on Instagram, is no stranger to the perils of his owner's costuming. A quick stroll on his account shows him posing in all sorts of looks. But nothing has stolen our attention — and our heats — like seeing him dressed as the iconic Chia pet. Covered in leaves from head to paw, he sits patiently for his Halloween [7] photo but makes it clear he's not happy about this one.

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