11 Reasons Travelling Solo Is the Best Way to Travel

04/06/2019 - 05:20 PM

Travelling solo is something that everyone should do at least once. We all deserves to be selfish sometimes – it's what keeps us sane! And being selfish means going exactly where you want to go [1] and doing exactly what you want to do without worrying about anyone else's opinion or schedule. You want to take a break [2] from your life to have adventures [3], try new things, and rediscover yourself on your own terms.

You can go to the same destination with your friends or family and it wouldn't be the same experience if you went by yourself. Yes, it may seem scary at first, but we should all accept the challenge [4], step outside our comfort zones, and go for it. Those are usually the things that end up being so, so worth it, right? If you aren't convinced, keep reading to see why your next trip should be a round-trip ticket for one.

You Get to Take a Break From Your Life (and Those in It)

Sometimes you have to hit pause on your life and unplug. This means switching up the scenery and taking a break from your loved ones for some much needed time for you and you only.

You Make New Friends

On every solo trip I've taken I've made some great friends that I still keep in touch with. Have an open mind and you never know who you'll meet!

You Rediscover Yourself

Taking a new adventure solo forces you to rediscover yourself and be in constant conversation with that voice in your head. Listen to your thoughts, dive deep into what you like and enjoy, and always go with your gut.

You Get to Do Everything You Actually Want to Do

One of the most logical benefits of travelling solo is that you get to do everything you want to do and nothing that you don't want to do. You're completely in charge of the itinerary unlike trips with friends and loved ones.

You'll Be More Confident

You might not realise this right away, but travelling solo builds your confidence [5] tremendously. You don't have your friends or family to depend on and that pushes you to rise to the occasion.

No One Can Judge You

No one is around to judge you or sway your decisions. Go crazy! Be as adventurous as your heart desires – no one's watching.

You Get to Enjoy the Freedom

There's something empowering about travelling thousands of miles away by yourself. It's the feeling of being completely in-control of your life, and it's awesome.

There’s No Drama

There's no arguing about where you're going to eat dinner or what sites you're going to see. The only person you have to worry about is yourself and it's OK to be 100 percent selfish.

You Get a Deeper Connection to Your Surroundings

There are fewer distractions and less conversation. You'll become immersed with your surroundings and have a deeper meaning of where you are.

You Learn What You're Capable Of

Whether it's hiking up a mountain, swimming with sharks, or just going to dinner by yourself, doing things that scare or intimidate you — especially by yourself — will open up your world.

There's Faster Customer Service

More times than not, solo customers get better service. Whether it's quicker service at a restaurant with solo seating or the single rider lines at an amusement park, take full advantage of all those perks.

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