Removing These 31 Things From Your Life Will Make You Happier and More Successful 

22/04/2018 - 11:30 AM

It's time to come clean. If you want to become a happier person [1], you don't need to add things to your life — you need to get rid of them [2]. It's time to remove these worries or problems so that you can move in the right direction. Take this list to heart and look forward to a flourishing life.

Comparing yourself to others.

Creating unrealistic expectations for yourself.

Your social media obsession.

Bad spending habits.

Fear of the unknown.

Living in the past.

Putting off a vacation.

Your packed schedule.

Unhealthy relationships.

Waiting for the perfect moment.

The need to be in control of everything.

Relying on others to make you feel happy and fulfilled.

Avoiding getting out of the house.

Your need to have the best things.

Your hesitation to indulge.

Feeling sorry for yourself.

Fear of failure.


Worrying what others think of you.

Your disorganized lifestyle.

Controlling others.


Blaming others for your mistakes.

A yearning to fit in.

Overanalyzing situations.

Friends who aren't there for you.

Resisting change.

Being afraid to be yourself.

Holding onto items you don't need.

Avoiding your problems.

Worrying about missing out.

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