The Ultimate Tipping Guide For Every Situation

28/06/2019 - 05:35 PM

Unrecognisable male coffee shop customer places cash into a tip jar.

Tipping is a fine art. You want to make sure you're showing your appreciation for people and the services they provide, but you also want to be careful not to blow your budget [1] for a night out, a weekend away, or on everyday essentials. While tipping your waiter [2], bartender, or cab driver is pretty common practice, other forms of tipping are less well known, and you may not realise you should have been tipping your grocery delivery person or dog groomer all along.

There's no exact science to how much you should tip in any given situation, and of course some circumstances depend on whether you consider your service was worth it. But, if you're totally unsure whether to tip at a coat check or when you get a tattoo [3], use this as a guide so you're prepared for anything.

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