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These Astrology Meme Instagram Accounts Are Hilarious

8 Hilarious and Accurate Astrology Instagram Accounts to Follow If You Want a Good Laugh

These Astrology Meme Instagram Accounts Are Hilarious

Long gone are the days of horoscopes only being available in newspapers and magazines. In order to get your astrology fix now, you can look just about anywhere, including Instagram. Since Co-Star gained popularity a few years ago, there has been a spike in meme astrology brands. These Instagram pages tell people what's written in the stars for them every month while also making them laugh and sometimes question their life decisions. These accounts use internet humour, memes, and nostalgia to make astrology widely relatable and just straight-up comical. Whether you're getting read on your zodiac sign or want to see what the stars hold for you this month, these Instagram accounts will make sure you get a good laugh.

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