July’s Buck Moon Is All About Reflection — Here’s How It’ll Affect Your Zodiac Sign

05/01/2022 - 07:20 PM


July's full buck moon [1] will bring change into your life, whether you're looking for it or not. But just like any full moon, it's all up for interpretation. Each month's full moon [2] has history, a story, and influence over your life, should you choose to listen to it. Find out more about how the buck moon in July got its name, what the spiritual meaning of this moon is, and how it will affect each zodiac sign. We spoke with an astrologer for insight, so here's what you need to know.

Why Is It Called the Buck Moon?

The July full moon gets its name [3] from actual bucks, or male deer. According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, "The full Moon in July is called the Buck Moon because the antlers of male deer (bucks) are in full-growth mode at this time. Bucks shed and regrow their antlers each year, producing a larger and more impressive set as the years go by."

When Is the Full Buck Moon in 2022?

The buck moon will be rise on Wednesday, 13 July, 2022, at 7:37 P.M. GMT.

What Sign Is the Buck Moon in July?

The full buck moon in July is in Capricorn.

What Is the Spiritual Meaning of the Buck Moon?

Astrologer Lisa-Marie Kiss of Be Mindful Studio [4], says, "The full moon in Capricorn is opposite the sun and Mercury in Cancer. This is the axis that describes our home lives, career, family, nurturing environments, and structures." Kiss adds that this particular moon calls for change in our lives and listening to our hearts more than ever. "Cancer energy will tell you to stay home and rest," she continues. "The message is to know when it's time to slow down, enjoy the moment, and remember the important things in life. Let your mind, body, and soul rest."

What Does the Buck Moon Mean For Zodiac Signs?

When Is the Next Full Moon?

The full moon following the buck moon is August's sturgeon moon on 11 Aug., 2022. The next buck moon is on 3 July, 2023.

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