The Spiritual Meaning Behind December's Cold Moon

25/01/2022 - 10:35 PM

There's no shortage of ways that the stars and planets affect our lives, and each different type of moon can have a serious astrological impact. The full cold moon will take place in December 2022, and each specific zodiac sign will be strongly affected by its presence, a phenomena that occurs whenever a full moon takes place. According to astrology, the cold moon that occurs in December will ultimately settle on a specific sign, and that settling will bring a specific meaning. At its core, the full moon [1] will notably centre around a time of reflection and looking ahead, which is quite fitting as we close out the end of the year. Here's everything you need to know about December's full cold moon and how it will impact your life.

Why Is It Called the Cold Moon?

Many full moons have earned a special name based on the conditions of the environment around them during the time the full moon takes place. "Like many of the other full moons, the cold moon is thought to take its name from Native American cultures and reflects the changes in the natural world around them," Rhianne, astrologer at Ask the Answer, [2] tells POPSUGAR. "Arriving around the midpoint of winter, the cold moon's arrival marks a turning point when things have reached their coldest and darkest, meaning things can only get brighter."

When Is the Full Cold Moon in 2022?

"The full cold moon is set to rise earlier in the month than previous years," Rhianne says. According to the Farmers' Almanac [3] and NASA, [4] the full cold moon will rise on Dec. 7, 2022.

What Sign Is the Moon in December?

The full cold moon in December will go through a few signs before settling into one. "The moon's journey takes it through many signs in December, starting in Pisces and waxing through Aries and Taurus until it reaches its full glory in Gemini," Rhianne tells POPSUGAR. The sign of Gemini will dictate the energy during this time when the full cold moon takes place. "A mutable sign, often linked with feelings of duality and curiosity, we'll likely all be feeling the need to express our true selves." The remainder of the moon's journey will take it through two more zodiac signs. "From there, the moon wanes as it travels through the rest of the signs, lingering a little in Cancer and Virgo," Rhianne says.

What Is the Spiritual Meaning of the Cold Moon?

The spiritual meaning of the cold moon is directly related to its timing as the last full moon before the new year ahead. "As the last full moon of the year, but rising in the middle of winter, the cold moon marks a time for a detailed, complex reflection," Rhianne says. "Embrace the spirit of duality of Gemini and balance, in your mind, thoughts of the past, present, and future." Rhianne suggests reflecting during the cold moon on how we can use its energy in a constructive way. "It's time to think of the year that has past and reflect on the things you have achieved, what obstacles you've overcome, and all the lessons you have learned, but not to lose sight of the future," Rhianne says. "The darkest, coldest time has nearly passed, and from here the future gets brighter and warmer. Things may have been difficult, but you've made it through, and now it's time to celebrate."

What Does the Cold Moon Mean For Each Zodiac Sign?

Every zodiac sign [5] is impacted by the full cold moon each year. Rhianne offers some insight into what each zodiac sign can expect.

When Is the Next Full Moon?

The next full moon after December's Cold Moon will appear on 6 Jan., 2023, at 11:08 p.m. GMT, according to the Farmers' Almanac [6]. The January full moon is also known as the Wolf Moon [7], and it brings with it all of its own astrological implications.

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