Every Zodiac Sign Will Feel the Intensity of the 2 March New Moon

01/03/2022 - 06:50 PM

If January and February 2022 felt like one big blob of "WTF?!" energy, you're not wrong. The astrology of both January and early February were mired by multiple retrograde planets [1] and their tricky shadow periods, making multiple areas of your life feel confusing — as if they were moving at a snail's pace. Not to mention, the Nodes of Fate [2] shifted to the complex Taurus-Scorpio axis on 18 Jan., shoving us toward achieving overall balance. In short, this astrological energy [3] . . . a lot. But as a new month begins with the 2 March new moon in Pisces, the tone around us is shifting. New chapters lie ahead, and this new moon [4] is enlightening you with the inspiration you need to put your big ideas in motion. This energy is intense, yet, but that's because it's paving the way for magic.

The Emotional and Spiritual Meaning of the 2 March New Moon in Pisces in Astrology

In astrology, new moons [5] generally symbolise new beginnings — the start of a new cycle of building, learning, and growing. In most cases, new moons offer a fertile period for manifestation and for setting the intentions you'd like to see progress over the course of the moon's cycle. That said, a new moon in Pisces — the 12th sign of the zodiac representing healing, intuition, and seclusion — puts a slight twist on that energy.

"The irony of the new moon in Pisces is that, while new moons present us with a 'new beginning,' the energy of Pisces is about completion and surrender," wrote Miami-based clairvoyant astrologer Valerie Mesa for POPSUGAR's 27 Feb. weekly horoscope [6]. "However, this is precisely why we're being encouraged to release something — so we can step into the reality we've been manifesting."

During the 2 March new moon in Pisces, the moon also sits conjunct Pisces' planetary ruler Jupiter [7], adding a lucky, magical energy to this lunation that lightens the mood surrounding whatever we're being called to purge. In other words, you'll likely feel inspired to finish a certain chapter or thought process in favour of walking toward something that truly inspires you. Exciting as this may sound, reflection and fulfilment will be important themes during this new moon in Pisces. Prioritise self-care activities [8] that reinvigorate you and allow you to reflect on your emotions, according to Mesa.

How the 2 March New Moon in Pisces May Affect the Zodiac Signs

Depending on the astrological house [9] the new moon falls in for you, you may feel its energy more in certain areas of life than others. Read on below for how the 2 March new moon in Pisces could emotionally affect you, according to your zodiac sign [10].


Occurring in your 12th house, Aries, the new moon in Pisces likely has you ready to retreat. A bit unlike you, yes, but you may be ready to surrender to your feels in search of clarity and healing to release any blocks keeping you stagnant and allow you to move forward boldly as you always do.


The new moon in Pisces activates your community-focussed 11th house, pushing you to expand your relationships and overall social network. Lean into opportunities that prioritise connection and group activities; you never know how these relationships can change your life.


Mulling over a big professional move, Gemini? Lighting up your 10th house of career and authority, this new moon is paving a path for you to step into something new career-wise, like an exciting new role or a new professional path entirely. Reflect on the mark you want to leave to ensure you're walking in the right direction.


Sitting in your expansive ninth house, the new moon in Pisces is likely highlighting some big dreams you've been sitting on, Cancer. Your visions of the future are magical and valid — but don't allow the nitty-gritty details to dampen your inspiration right now. Reflect on your goals and allow them take shape.


The 2 March new moon in Pisces has everything to do with your intimate eighth house of mergers, shared resources, and transformation. You may be thinking hard on a major relationship or collaboration in your life and the boundaries that come with it. Protect what's yours to carry and consider releasing what's not.


As the new moon in Pisces touches down in your seventh house of relationships, you're feeling lucky and blessed with your personal or professional connections — and perhaps ready to take things to the next level, whatever that might mean for you. With Jupiter's influence on your side, don't be afraid to take that leap.


If you've been ready to give your daily routines a revamp, Libra, now's the time. Activating your sixth house of rituals and daily responsibilities, this new moon is encouraging you to rearrange your day-to-day to prioritise activities that refill your energy tank, like meditation, a fun class, or a hobby that brings you joy.


You're feeling those creative juices flowing and romantic sparks flying, Scorpio. As the new moon in Pisces activates your fifth house of passion and love, you're ready to start prioritising your bliss and following your heart right to what makes you happiest — and you deserve it.


The 2 March new moon in Pisces sits in your emotional fourth house, Sagittarius, emphasising themes surrounding everything from your family and inner emotions to your physical home. Prioritise time spent with the people and or practices that fill you with love as you turn over a brand-new leaf.


As the new moon in Pisces sits in your communicative third house of ideas and thought processes, you're probably feeling lost in your head with so many big ideas swirling around. Use this invigorating energy to map out the ways you can take these ideas from mere thoughts to reality.


You're rethinking how you're building security in your life, Aquarius. The new moon in Pisces is offering you a chance to reflect on and reset your finances, so you can not only build your wealth (whatever that means for you) now, but ensure it's sustainable for you and the ones you love.


Lighting up your first house of self, this new moon is all about you, Pisces — how you feel about yourself and the image you're portraying to the world. Are your inner feelings aligned with what you show to the world? During this lunation, you may be reflecting on the ways in which you can further step into your authenticity.

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