This Full-Moon-in-Libra Limpia Will Help You Find Harmony and Balance in Relationships

20/03/2024 - 02:00 PM

Young latin woman with hand on chest breathing in fresh air in a beautiful garden during sunset. Healthy mexican girl enjoying nature while meditating during morning exercise routine with closed eyes. Mindfulness woman enjoying morning ritual and relaxing technique.

Life is all about balance. If you've been feeling out of sorts lately, the Full Moon in Libra arrives to assist you with getting your footing back. The Virgo full moon [1] lit a fire within us back in February. It gave us the motivation to check things off our to-do list that were lingering for a while. But that busy bee energy can leave us feeling loopy and off-centre. Earlier this month, the Pisces new moon [2] helped to usher [3] us inward for those precious moments of introspection we all need. Now, we awaken to the Libra energy for steadiness and stability.

Full moons give us the space to release things we no longer need from our energy. The Libra full moon comes packed with supercharged energy due to the lunar eclipse taking place during the same time. So, evaluate where you've placed priorities and the patterns you see repeating time and time again in your life. Does your priority list need some revisions? Are your patterns serving you or holding your back? The time is ripe for shedding old skin.

Libra is the midpoint of the zodiac so think of it as the crossroads, giving you permission to start over. This air sign gives you the courage to understand people and situations clearly so you can find where you can offer support if needed and the stability you desire to live a balanced life.

When Is the Full Moon in Libra?

The Full Moon in Libra peaks on Monday, Mar. 25 at 3:00 a.m. ET. If you're a late-nighter stay up and bask in the beauty of its brightness. Don't shy away from speaking to the moon and sharing your deepest thoughts. It's an energy exchange with our lunar friend.

What Does the 2024 Full Moon in Libra Mean?

The Libra full moon is also known as the Worm moon. It symbolizes the worms rising from the earth during the renewed season of spring. So, much grows during this time of year. All those seeds that had been planted and the roots taking hold during the winter months now give way to the blossoming of flowers and the sprouting of plants. Our energy reflects the same seasonal patterns, and for us to fully bloom we have to tend to our gardens.

Think of full moons as our monthly energetic purge. Depending on what zodiac sign it aligns with we can focus on specific areas of our lives. With Libra, which is symbolized by the scales, a need for overall balance in our personal lives is of importance. But then there's also the balance we bring to our relationships.

Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and charm. When things are balanced in their relationships, which include with self and others, Libras provide harmony and security.

Let's throw a lunar eclipse in the mix and things get turned up quickly. This is the first eclipse of the year and it may be visible in certain parts of the United States, depending on weather conditions and visibility that evening. The eclipse peak is expected to take place around 3:12 a.m. ET on March 25.

What Is the Spiritual Cleansing Prayer to Say For March's Full Moon in Libra?

Universe, I need more balance in my life. Not only in my personal everyday life but in my interactions and relationships with others. I see how being off balance in my own life throws things off in all other areas, so I would like guidance on where to start within me. I value my relationships and want to show up for the people that are important to me. Help guide me on this journey as I become the person I would follow.

What Tarot Card Goes Well With the Full Moon in Libra?

Justice – Like the scales symbolizing Libra, the Justice tarot card also focuses on balance and fairness.

What Chakra Goes Well With the Full Moon in Libra?

Heart – The chakra that acts as the bridge between our physical and spiritual worlds best represents Libra.

Spiritual Cleansing Limpia Recipe For the Full Moon in Libra


Florida Water

Sea salt

Epsom salt


Palo Santo

Pink or blue candle

Roses (pink or red)

Elderberry, thyme, and bergamot herbs

Frankincense, geranium, and black pepper essential oils

Pink opal, citrine, aquamarine, and black tourmaline crystals


  1. It's a new season so it's always a good idea to give a deep cleaning to your space in preparation for your spiritual limpia.
  2. After your space is physically clean, burn some sage followed by Palo Santo to spiritually cleanse it and yourself. Allow that sacred smoke to fill the space and let it float around you as well. Open up some windows to filter out the old, stuffy energy and welcome in the new.
  3. Now, let's begin preparing your limpia. You can start by bringing a pot of water to a gentle boil. You can add your herbs directly to the water to simmer for 10-to-15 minutes or simply pour the water over a strainer containing your herbs.
  4. Add a few splashes of Florida Water, one cup of Epsom salt, and a half cup of sea salt to the water. You can mix them in with your hands if the water is at a safe temperature, or use a wooden spoon. Mix until the salt is fully dissolved. As you do so, pray over the water and set your intentions.
  5. Add several drops of essential oils to the water and mix in until you intuitively feel ready to stop. Then top off the water with rose petals. Save some of your flowers. Your limpia is ready.
  6. Bring your bowl of water into the shower or wherever you intend to pour it over your body.
  7. Use your candle, crystals, and roses to create your own Libra full moon altar. You can place it in the bathroom where you use your limpia or wherever you will be following your limpia ritual. For example, if you intend to journal after your limpia, you can set up your altar there.
  8. When you enter your shower, quickly wash your body before gently pouring the limpia water over your body and the top of your head, cleansing your chakras from the crown down. Take time to rub the limpia water into your heart's centre as you pray and set your intentions.
  9. After you're done, allow yourself to air dry. If you cannot, pat yourself dry with a light-coloured towel.
  10. Now that you are energetically cleased, take a seat and write down the things that you want to release under this charged full moon and lunar eclipse. Use the flame from the candle to burn the list safely and then discard the ashes by flushing them down the toilet or burying outside in the earth.

Zayda Rivera is a former POPSUGAR Contributor. She has been a professional writer for more than 20 years. Z is a certified Reiki Master-Teacher, yoga and Zumba instructor, mindfulness and meditation guide, tarot reader, and spiritual mentor.

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