This Ex-NASA Engineer Is Serving Porch Pirates Justice in the Form of Stinky Glitter Bombs

17/12/2019 - 11:05 PM

Porch pirates got you down? Mark Rober has a solution for that. Last year, the former NASA employee found viral fame after engineering a bait package that was booby-trapped with glitter and fart spray [1] as a way to get back at wannabe thieves. Being that gift-giving season — aka the time when package theft is at an all-time high — is upon us once again, Rober has revived his viral prank with a few improvements [2].

In a new video shared to his YouTube channel, Rober explains that he created several more decoy packages that were disguised as Bose headphones. Like last year, each package was rigged to shoot out glitter immediately after being opened, but the upgrades came in the form of a few added sound effects, like a fake police scanner and a woman creepily counting down. Most importantly though, Rober made sure to add a fart spray that smelled twice as foul as the last one. To switch things up even more, he decided to send the packages to several addresses around the country, because this obviously isn't just a one-neighbourhood issue.

Watch the video above to see a few hilarious reactions to Rober's device (and a cameo from Macaulay Culkin).

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