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Drunk Elephant Bouncy Brightfacial Reviews From 4 Editors

4 Editors With Different Skin Types Review Drunk Elephant's Bouncy Brightfacial

  • Drunk Elephant is launching its third face mask, the Bouncy Brightfacial.
  • The leave-on treatment is designed to even out skin tone and texture.
  • We asked four editors with different skin types to review the Bouncy Brightfacial.

Bubble, paper, clay, exfoliating, overnight, peel-off — the modern-day face mask has taken on many a forms over the years. (Not to mention the entirely other type of mask we've all, hopefully, also been wearing.) Still, despite its evolution, and no matter if you are prone to acne, experience dryness, or are on the oilier side, the end goal when using one is always the same: brighter, clearer, better-looking skin. That's the focus of Drunk Elephant's latest launch, the Bouncy Brightfacial mask ($68, available on Sephora.com starting Dec. 5), which promises to give your visage that ring-light effect.

It marks the third face mask in the Drunk Elephant product lineup — joining heavy-hitting predecessors the Babyfacial and the Waterfacial — but it's the brand's first treatment to harness the power of the buzziest ingredient in skin care right now: azelaic acid.

"It's a really interesting ingredient with lots of great properties, so I wanted to create an entirely new formulation around it," founder Tiffany Masterson tells POPSUGAR. "We always go as high as we can with our actives, but at a low molecular weight and at a safe pH level so it's effective yet not irritating." That's why the team loaded Bouncy Brightfacial with 10 percent azelaic acid, plus salicylic acid (to dissolve dirt and grime from pores), diglucosyl gallic acid and glutathione (to brighten), and marula oil and ceramides (to hydrate), among others.

In recent years, azelaic acid in particular has been identified in the market as a workhorse ingredient that exfoliates just as well as other well-loved acids like AHAs and BHAs, albeit more gently and therefore better tolerated by sensitive or compromised skin. It's also said to treat a plethora of skin concerns, from dark spots and hyperpigmentation to redness.

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Kelsey Castañon

"It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities, which are great for acne-prone skin as it can help calm and reduce spots," says consultant dermatologist Mary Sommerlad, MBBS, MRCP. This also makes it a solid treatment for rosacea: "Papulopustular rosacea is associated with red bumps and pus-filled blemishes, and regular use of azelaic acid helps to mitigate the associated redness and swelling with minimal risk of adverse side effects."

For anyone with postinflammatory hyperpigmentation, Dr. Sommerlad says azelaic acid can also help to fade stubborn marks. "It can improve hyperpigmentation by inhibiting tyrosinase, the enzyme crucial to the production of melanin."

As a result, Masterson assures that the Bouncy Brightfacial works across all skin types and can be used as the last step to your existing skin-care regimen or coupled with the brand's C-Firma for "a brightening win-win." The formula is meant to be left on the skin, instead of rinsing it off, but really how (and how often) you use it is entirely up to you. "We're big on 'smoothies' — mixing products together depending on what your skin needs that day — so you can customise. Some people need more moisture, some people need less. Some people want more exfoliation, some people don't want as much depending on your age or your concerns."

Because it was designed to play well with other acids and skin treatments, you don't need to replace a skin-care step to make room for it in your routine, either. "You can put it on as the top layer of your smoothie at night; you can mix it in with your other products during the day; you can use it just twice a week if you want; it's even gentle enough that you can use it twice a day," says Masterson. "That's the thing, it's very versatile."

Now, for the all-important question: is it too good to be true? We were determined to find out, so we asked four POPSUGAR editors with different skin types — from oily and acne-prone to dry and beyond — to put Drunk Elephant's Brightfacial Masque to the test for a full month. Keep reading for our unfiltered reviews.

Image Sources: POPSUGAR Photography / Jessica Harrington, POPSUGAR Photography / Anvita Reddy, POPSUGAR Photography / Ariel Baker and Photo Illustration: Aly Lim

Drunk Elephant Bouncy Brightfacial on Acne-Prone Skin Review

Skin type: Acne-prone

Review: "As someone who struggles with hyperpigmentation and dark spots, I was extremely excited to try this product out. It did not disappoint. Even though it takes time to really fade stubborn spots, after using this for a little more than three weeks, I've already noticed a big difference. It's the booster that my skin needed. A good amount of my post-acne dark marks have faded to a lighter colour, if not completely disappeared. What I really appreciate about this product is that it has ingredients to correct discoloration, like azelaic acid, as well as prevent future acne, like salicylic acid. I've used it every other day primarily at night as the last step of my skin-care routine. Although you can use it in the morning as well, I found that the product pilled a bit when I put sunscreen on. Plus, a little goes a long way. I like to also use it as a spot treatment on areas that need an extra push." — Anvita Reddy, assistant commerce editor


Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Anvita Reddy

Drunk Elephant Bouncy Brightfacial on Sensitive Skin Review

Skin type: Sensitive, combination

Review: "I should preface that I love nearly every Drunk Elephant skin-care product. My skin is like a tyrant toddler — fussing about the littlest inconvenience like air travel, cold or windy days, and the like — and tolerates very few brands with such consistency as them. All of that is to say: I knew the Bouncy Brightfacial Masque wouldn't cause any irritation to my sensitive skin, which it didn't. What it did do, after a little more than a month of testing, was reduce all the other things I experience: redness, sun spots, and the slight hormonal breakout here and then. I found it layered nicely under all my skin-care treatments at night, but I sometimes snuck it into my AM routine too, since it also had a mattifying effect that I wasn't expecting that made it the perfect makeup primer underneath foundation on the areas that tend to get oily throughout the day." — Kelsey Castañon, beauty director


Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Kelsey Castañon

Drunk Elephant Bouncy Brightfacial on Oily Skin Review

Skin type: Combination to oily, acne-prone

Review: "I really loved how lightweight this mask felt. It didn't pill when used in conjunction with the rest of my skin-care products, and it also didn't leave behind any greasy residue. I enjoyed the fact that it didn't break me out — in fact, I noticed that I went quite a few days without any new blemishes when I slowly started incorporating this into my routine, which is a major win for me. I found that Brightfacial is great for stopping future hyperpigmentation (since it does a great job at stopping pimples in the first place), but I wouldn't say it addressed my existing post-acne hyperpigmentation marks. I would recommend using this more as a preventative or maintenance step rather than trying to use it to clear up spots you already have, especially if they are more severe cases." — Ariel Baker, assistant beauty editor


Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Ariel Baker

Drunk Elephant Bouncy Brightfacial on Normal to Dry Skin Review

Skin type: Normal to dry

Review: "I used to be so great at doing a face mask treatment on Sunday nights, but I've recently fallen off that routine. However, Drunk Elephant's Brightfacial Masque has gotten me back into it simply because it's so easy to add to my regimen. I've been applying it in the morning after my serum and moisturiser and letting it sit for a few minutes before putting on sunscreen. The texture is silky, lightweight, and layers beautifully under my other products. I've noticed a huge difference in my complexion already — it's brighter, more even, and extra smooth." — Jessica Harrington, beauty editor


The Drunk Elephant Bouncy Brightfacial Masque ($68) will be available on Sephora.com starting Dec. 5, and on the brand's website on Dec. 15.

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Jessica Harrington

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