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Watch Jessica Alba and Joseph Gordon-Levitt Talk Skin Care

Like a True Friend, Jessica Alba Teaches Joseph Gordon-Levitt the Basics of Skin Care

While it's no secret Jessica Alba has gorgeous, radiant skin, I have to say I never thought I'd get such a close look at Joseph Gordon-Levitt's skin care habits. In a new video on her YouTube channel, Alba walked a pretty clueless Gordon-Levitt — who knew they were friends?! — through a quick skin care routine, and the results are hilarious.

The Project Power actor, who co-starred in Sin City: A Dame to Kill For with Alba, attentively followed her lead and sniffed the different scents as she instructed him to cleanse, exfoliate, moisturise, and mask using Honest Beauty products. In one particularly comical moment, Gordon-Levitt used a creamy gel cleanser to wash his face and as he started to scrub a little too aggressively, the Honest Beauty founder looked slightly horrified, quickly advising him to tone down the intensity. "You're being very rough with your face," she said with a laugh. "Oh, was that too hard?," a confused Gordon-Levitt responded.

Though he might not know much about skin care, the actor's glow certainly indicates otherwise as I could not look away from his flawless complexion that rivals Alba's. Watch Alba and Gordon-Levitt discuss skin care, the joys of parenting, and Gordon-Levitt's latest projects, all while applying different oils and masks, in the video above.

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