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How she Budge-Proofed Claire Foy's Tattoos

After all that that work, you'd better believe Merker made damn sure those tattoos stayed put. "Once you go in and clean it up, then you have to add on a sealer so that Claire can be in water and move around, and so that it lasts a whole shooting day," she said. "I used the Bluebird FX Matte Sealer — first to make sure the tattoo didn't look so shiny, and also so that it stays."

This, she said, was the biggest time-suck of her entire look. "We definitely used a lot of tattoos on her. It wasn't every day we went through the process, but maybe every second shooting day, we had to tattoo her. The costume made it so you could see her skin and so, yeah, then we had to do it."

Image Source: nigelbeauty.com