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Hairstylists Mixed Old and New Techniques to Replicate the Styles

As previously mentioned, the original film came out in 1961, which may only be four years after this remake is set — but when it comes to beauty trends, it makes all the difference.

"Because it was in a different year, hairstyles [are] a little bit earlier than what is in the [original] film," said Georgiou. The 1960s is known for its large hairstyles with lots of volume on the top (think tall beehive hairdos), but the styles in the '50s were a bit "flatter."

"I wanted it to look real and natural [for the period]," Georgiou said. To get that effect, she used a mix of old and new styling techniques. For the women ensemble members, Georgiou explained about 90 percent of them were outfitted with wigs, "like the Broadway version," and styled using methods like wet setting and pin curls. "Occasionally, I did use old Marcel irons on them," which were traditionally manually heated, like on a stove. However, touchups while filming were managed with modern curling irons "because they're so much quicker to use."

Image Source: Disney