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Elizabeth Warren

In the wake of the leaked draft opinion, the US senator of Massachusetts shared her thoughts on the news via Twitter. "An extremist Supreme Court is poised to overturn #RoeVWade and impose its far-right, unpopular views on the entire country," she tweeted on Monday. "It's time for the millions who support the Constitution and abortion rights to stand up and make their voices heard. We're not going back—not ever."

The following day, she tweeted, "If an extremist Supreme Court overturns Roe, wealthy women will still get safe abortions — by travelling to another state or country. But women of colour, those with lower-incomes, and victims of abuse will suffer the most. Congress must eliminate the filibuster and protect Roe."

She also tweeted a video of herself protesting outside of the Supreme Court on Tuesday captioned, "I am angry because an extremist Supreme Court thinks they can impose their extremist views on all of the women of this country and they are wrong. I have seen the world where abortion is illegal. We're not going back—not now, not ever."

Image Source: Getty / Kevin Dietsch