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Dakota Johnson's Father Wanted Her to Go to College

Don encourages his kids to stay in school by continuing to support them financially if they enrol in college, he's previously explained. Since Dakota knew she wanted to follow in her parents's footsteps by pursuing acting, she learned how to rely on herself financially at an early age.

"We have a rule in the family that, you know, if you stay in school, you get to stay on the payroll," Don said while appearing on "Late Night With Seth Meyers" in 2021. "Towards the end of high school, I went to [Dakota] and I said, 'So, do you want to go visit some colleges?' Or something like that. And she was like, 'Oh, no. I'm not going to college.' "

When Don asked his daughter how she planned to support herself, Dakota told him that he didn't have anything to worry about, because she had it all figured out. "Three weeks later she had nailed down that part in David Fincher's 'The Social Network,' and the rest is, shall we say, cinema history," Don said.

Image Source: Getty/ Donato Sardella