This Is Us: Does Toby Even Have a Last Name?

28/02/2018 - 06:10 PM


We've learned quite a bit about Toby (Chris Sullivan) during the past two seasons of This Is Us [1] — he was previously married; he's a fan of big romantic gestures [2] for his fiancée Kate; and he really loves dogs and old TV shows. But there's one thing about Toby that we never really hear about on the series — his last name.

So, what is Toby's last name? According to IMDB [3], Toby's last name is Damon. Toby Damon. Probably no relation to Matt, but it does raise some questions: will Kate take his last name if and when they get married [4], or will she continue to go by Pearson? Kate's close bond with her late father, Jack [5], suggests that she may not want to get rid of his surname. Either way, you can now rest knowing Toby's full name and go back to staring at his over-the-top outfits [6].

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