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The Butcher of Blaviken

Geralt slays a kikimora and ends up in a town called Blaviken to collect a bounty. In a tavern, he encounters Renfri — a head strong, young woman with an entourage of bad men at her beck and call. Led away by a young girl, Geralt is introduced to Stregobor, a sorcerer in hiding from Renfri. He tells Geralt that Renfri must be killed as she is the last of 60 women born during the Curse of the Black Sun — women that would bring about Lilit, a big bad that would bring about destruction. Not interested in his offer, Geralt leaves Blaviken where he encounters Renfri again. They share a moment in the woods where Renfri whispers about a "girl in the woods" being his destiny. Renfri and her entourage all die brutal, bloody deaths at the hand of Geralt, leaving him with the moniker "the Butcher of Blaviken."

Image Source: Everett Collection