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"Black Mirror" Season 6, Episode 4: "Mazey Day"

The ethics of the paparazzi is a frequent conversation among Hollywood's biggest names. The fraught relationship between photographers and celebs has been well documented — and often dangerous (see Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's recent "near catastrophic" paparazzi encounter in NYC). In "Mazey Day," Charlie Brooker's feeling on the subject is clear in the first few minutes of the aughts-set episode: a pap scores images of a closeted actor with his male lover, and despite the star's pleas, the photographer (Zazie Beetz) sells the images. The outing leads to the celebrity's death by suicide. That tragic ending comes full circle by the conclusion of the episode, after a twist a little less centred in reality and more in mythology.

Superstar actor Mazey has vanished from the public eye, and Day's character and other paparazzi have taken it upon themselves to track her down amid what seems to be a traumatized woman's breakdown. When they finally have Mazey cornered, though, it's clear she's a danger to more than just herself.

While the twist was beyond unexpected — really, beyond — it muddies the episode's overall warning against invasions of privacy. Absurdity takes over the plot and leaves that message — the haunting lessons "Black Mirror" is known for — with too soft of an impact. - Lindsay Kimble, entertainment content director

Image Source: Netflix