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What Is the Song in the Adam Driver Burberry Hero Ad?

Why Yes, That Is FKA Twigs Singing About Thirst in Adam Driver's New Burberry Ad

Much like Last Week Tonight's John Oliver, I have been wholly consumed by Adam Driver's recent cologne ad for Burberry Hero. Images of a shirtless Driver frolicking on a beach have filled my dreams, and the FKA Twigs song featured in the ad has received a permanent spot on my playlist. Burberry knew exactly what it was doing pairing FKA Twigs's "Two Weeks" with imagery straight out of a fantasy romance. I mean, did I need to be called out by a cologne about my thirst for Driver while hearing FKA Twigs sing "I'd quench that thirst"? No, but I appreciate the efforts.

Originally released back in 2014, the track was included on the singer's debut studio album, LP1. In recent years, the song has been featured on Mr. Robot, The Originals, and Hightown. As for why it was the perfect fit for the Burberry ad, outside of its spot-on lyrics, the music video features a similar mythical theme, with FKA Twigs taking on the role of a goddess. You can check out the full song in the video below.

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