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5-Day Break-a-Sweat Workout Challenge

Heat Up Your Summer With This 5-Day Break-a-Sweat Workout Challenge

The sun is out, temps are rising, and carefree summer vibes abound. Why not channel that energy into your workout routine? This five-day, break-a-sweat workout challenge, courtesy of Class FitSugar, is all about celebrating the season with movement.

You'll join NASM-certified trainer Maricris Lapaix and ACE-certified trainer Cassidy Rhodes for five different at-home-friendly workouts, all 30 minutes or less. You'll blast through a standing-cardio workout, a full-body HIIT, an upper-body and core strength routine, a 10-minute core burnout, and finally a foam-roller release. The goal: get moving every single day — and, yes, break a sweat.

You won't need any major equipment for these workouts, just a workout mat or soft surface to train on, a foam roller, and a set of dumbbells (light to medium weight). That said, you'll be able to modify all moves to work without dumbbells if you don't have them.

Sound like a plan? Check out the challenge on YouTube, or watch the workouts here. Either way, you'll be leaving sweaty and with a smile on your face.

Image Source: POPSUGAR Studios

Welcome to challenge day one! What's great about this standing cardio routine is that you can take it anywhere you want to work out — think: a park, a waterfront pathway, a deck, a beach, a hotel room with a questionable carpet — no mat or clean floor needed. All you need is 30 minutes, space to move, and this video cued up with Lapaix leading the way.

Lapaix's outfit: Carbon38

This bodyweight HIIT workout led by Rhodes is bound to be your new go-to. In just under 30 minutes, you'll work every part of your body with pike shoulder taps, mountain climbers, bicycles, V-ups, jump squats, rocket thrusters, burpees, and more. You'll get in, get sweaty, and get out before you know it. Grab a mat to get started.

Day three of this challenge is about getting strong, with the help of Lapaix and a set of light- to medium-weight dumbbells. In this upper-body and core workout, you'll tackle push-ups, Russian twists, tabletop crunches, chest presses, renegade rows, and more. And if you don't have dumbbells, don't worry: You can still reap the strength benefits of this workout with just your body weight.

Lapaix's outfit: Alo Yoga

Shoes: APL

Take a bit of a break on day four with this quickie 10-minute core blast. Rhodes will lead you through a series of moves that work every inch of your core, including slow bicycles, V-ups, side planks, forearm planks, knee to elbow, and bear planks. (Okay, so maybe it's not really a break.)

Rhodes's outfit: Carbon38

Bask in all your hard work during the last four days and release any built-up tension with this full-body foam-roller session led by Lapaix. Foam rolling can help improve your recovery after tough workouts — and also just feels damn good. Enjoy, and celebrate the fact that you've officially finished the challenge!

Lapaix's outfit: MPG Sport

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