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Fat-Burning Lower-Body Dumbbell Workout

Got Half an Hour? Try This Fat-Burning, Lower-Body Dumbbell Workout

Doing a strength-training session like this lower-body dumbbell workout from ACE-certified personal trainer Nicci Robinson helps to build lean muscle and aids in the fat-burning process. This specific workout increases fat burn, Robinson told POPSUGAR, due to the cardio output, since it's broken up into circuits where you'll be completing exercises back to back with little rest in between.

Additionally, using dumbbells as resistance will help "create tension to break down muscle," the Fit Body app trainer explained, which will ultimately build back up as lean mass. This of course, depends on how much weight you're lifting, your workout regimen, and your nutrition. But, having more muscle mass increases your metabolism, meaning you burn more calories.

Doing one workout won't make a difference, but the goal is to implement sessions like this into your lineup if you're looking to burn fat and build lean muscle. Robinson said she made this workout to create tension for the quads, glutes, and hamstrings, and "the various squat movements give variety while keeping the focus on specific muscle groups in order to create an effective burn." Check it out ahead.

30-Minute, Lower-Body Dumbbell Workout

Equipment needed: two dumbbells (Robinson used a set of 15-pounders, which equates to about 6 or 7 kilogram weights), water, and a workout mat or soft surface.

Directions: Warm up for a few minutes with dynamic stretches or some light cardio. Since this is a lower-body workout, you may want to also warm up with bodyweight squats and good mornings to prep your muscles. The workout is broken up into three circuits, all of which have three exercises that should be performed back to back for the allotted reps and for three rounds total. Rest for 60 seconds in between each round and 90 seconds in between circuits (like Robinson's three-circuit, total-body HIIT workout). Keep reading for specific instructions on how to do each lower-body exercise. Cool down with static stretches like these glute stretches and ones for your hamstrings.

  • Circuit 1, exercise 1: dumbbell squat: 15 reps
  • Circuit 1, exercise 2: curtsy lunge: 12 reps each leg
  • Circuit 1, exercise 3: dumbbell step-up: 12 reps each leg

Rest for 60 seconds after completing all three exercises, then repeat this circuit two more times (three times total). Take a break for 90 seconds before moving to the next circuit.

  • Circuit 2, exercise 1: squat thruster: 15 reps
  • Circuit 2, exercise 2: squat pulse: 15 reps
  • Circuit 2, exercise 3: sumo squat: 15 reps

Rest for 60 seconds after completing all three exercises, then repeat this circuit two more times (three times total). Take a break for 90 seconds before moving to the next circuit.

  • Circuit 3, exercise 1: dumbbell calf raise: 15 reps
  • Circuit 3, exercise 2: Romanian deadlift: 15 reps
  • Circuit 3, exercise 3: deadlift with squat: 15 reps

Rest for 60 seconds after completing all three exercises, then repeat this circuit two more times (three times total).

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Image Source: Dee Porter

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