This Is the Best Exercise For Strengthening the Upper Back, Shoulders, and Core

18/11/2019 - 05:47 PM

While watching my CrossFit coach, Dani Jenny [1] — 7x CrossFit Games Athlete and cofounder of Champlain Valley CrossFit — effortlessly walk across the gym on her hands, I had to ask, "How can I learn to do that?" I can hold a handstand [2], but walking is a whole other beast! She grabbed a box and showed me how to do these lateral walks.

Doing L-stands against a wall has always been one of my favourite arm-strengthening exercises, but walking around a box makes this move even more challenging (and fun!). You'll not only work your arms, shoulders, and upper back, but holding your hips over your shoulders will also strengthen your core. These are all the muscles you'll need to walk on your hands!

As for box size, this is a 20-inch box, but you can use one that's shorter to make it easier or taller to make it harder.

Lateral Handstand Walk Using a Box

Equipment needed: box

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