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6 Months Out

Weight Loss

With your big day six months away, Friberg told POPSUGAR that the first step is to establish a mindset and routine for the next six months. She recommends purchasing a journal so you can begin to record the following:

  • Weekly measurements and weight
  • A food and workout diary
  • Sleep and mood changes
  • A workout schedule. "Whether you are exercising at home or the gym, it is important to schedule the when and the what," Friberg said. "When are you working out and what are your doing that day?"

Friberg provided this sample of a well-balanced schedule that will help you shed pounds in a healthy manner over the next six months.

  • Monday: HIIT class (high-intensity interval training). HIIT burns the maximum number of calories in a short period of time.
  • Tuesday: Weight training. Lifting weights is one of the best ways to lose weight, as it also increases your metabolism.
  • Wednesday: Pilates or yoga with a 30-minute walk or jog
  • Thursday: Weight training
  • Friday: HIIT
  • Saturday: Pilates or yoga with a 30-minute walk or jog
  • Sunday: Regeneration and rest day


Kom told POPSUGAR that month one is all about "waking up" your muscles, especially if you weren't previously active or focused on toning your body.

"Reintroducing fitness, or at least fitness for toning into your everyday schedule, won't happen overnight, and your muscles will likely be feeling it in ways they haven't in a while, especially if you were previously just focusing on cardio," she explained.

Start out with this schedule, which will put you well on your way to having a toned body on your wedding day.

Monday: Upper-Body Focus

  • Shoulder press
  • Bicep curl
  • Triceps kickback
  • Back fly
  • Chest fly

For guidance, use the online class 15 Minutes to Amazing Arms.

Wednesday: Lower-Body and Core Focus

  • Glute bridge
  • Sumo squats
  • Lunge with dumbbells
  • Split squats
  • Running stairs

Friday: Full-Body Friday

Friday is the day to work out every muscle! For guided classes, visit Studio SWEAT onDemand's total-body training workouts.

When you introduce a change of exercise or fitness on any level, Kom emphasized that it's important to properly fuel your body.

"You'll likely need more protein and calorie intake than you previously did. Listen to your body and focus on intuitive eating; your body will be going through a change here," she told POPSUGAR. "Don't forgot to fuel yourself before your exercises too! Your blood sugar levels will be low, and you won't perform as well or have the energy to perform if you don't eat beforehand."