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Tina's Weight-Loss Journey Begins

On Aug. 24, 2017, Tina was preparing to go to her parents' annual all-white Labor Day cookout. "When I tried on a dress from the previous year, it was too small. I was so upset and tired of that feeling of disappointment. I always avoided the scale, but that day I said 'enough is enough' and finally stepped on," Tina shared. "I was 202 pounds! I couldn't believe it; I was in tears praying to God asking him for strength and motivation to lose weight and not give up this time. I said 'this time' because I had tried in the past a couple times but always gave up. This time I knew things had to be different."

Tina did make some changes, and in the first three months, she lost 30 pounds. Around the fourth month, the weight loss started to slow, and overall, it took Tina eight months to drop 52 pounds.