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Ben & Jerry's Non-Dairy Chocolate Caramel Cluster Nutritional Info

Calories: 290
Total fat: 17 grams
Carbs: 30 grams
Fibre: 3 grams
Sugar: 20 grams
Protein: 5 grams

This Chocolate Caramel Cluster Frozen Dessert was also not the picture of health and had more calories than the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, with 290 calories per half-cup serving. It has less sugar and way more protein though, so that's worth noting.

There isn't an identical dairy version of this flavour offered by Ben & Jerry's, but if I had to compare the nutritional info, Phish Food is pretty similar — it has marshmallow swirls instead of peanuts. It's also basically the same amount of calories and sugar, and like the Dairy-Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Chocolate Caramel Cluster is egg-free.